Tag Archives: exploring

How do I find out if I’m bi?


I love cock! I really love it, the pleasing shape, the way it feels in so many places, the smoothness of it as it lunges deep into my mouth. The firmness pressing up against me, pounding me…

So, you get the idea… I love cock, but just like everyone else in the world, (whether they admit it or not) I’ve thought about doing a little exploration with a female.

Now the idea of vagina doesn’t really appeal to me… but I don’t know…maybe. It’s not like I’ve tried it.  If it looked like mine I’d run away in horror… but, I’m still interested in exploring.

But… How does one go about it???
I mean, I may hate it! So I want to do it with someone I trust, who won’t pressure me, and won’t feel rejected if I’m not “into” it. That list of requirements leaves out any hook-up sites.

I DEFINITELY don’t want to do it with anyone I know. So that leaves out all my friends.

I feel like I’m in a catch 22.

I feel the safest way is to try a 2 girl 3-some with a guy friend and just see what happens…

Who knows?

Any suggestions?